From Beauregard to Michallons by the Grande Traversée du Vercors (GTV)
Hiking Hiking

From Beauregard to Michallons by the Grande Traversée du Vercors (GTV)

Parking des Vouillants, Seyssinet-Pariset
10.67 km Distance
506 m Positive elevation
497 m Negative elevation
960 m Max. altitude
Medium Difficulty



This route takes you under the foothills of the Vercors in the footsteps of the old tram line which linked Grenoble to Villard-de-Lans. You cross the old tunnels fitted out for the passage of the Tram and take the GR9 on the way back.

From the Vouillants car park, turn right onto the small path that
passes under the pond. At La prairie de Beauregard, turn left towards Les Arcelles. After crossing the wooden footbridge, take the direction of Pariset. This track is reduced to make room for a small path in switchbacks strewn with roots. The exit to the road is steep and dangerous; this passage requires great caution. Turn right and go up the road to St Nizier for 300 m. Stay on the right side of the road and respect the path on the ground so as not to encroach on the traffic lane as far as the Pariset locality post. Cross the road to St Nizier by taking the protected passage marked on the ground. Follow the direction of St Nizier and the old tram station. Go up this steep road and continue on the steep path. Turn right at the end of the road to the Old Tram Station. Do not take the path on the left here (GR9) and continue straight ahead, pass to the left of the old Tram station, shortly after take the path that goes to the left. This is the old Tram track. Take this path and continue to the Risset bridge, which you cross. Go through the first and largest tunnel on the route, staying well in the middle (risk of falling into the drainage ditches on the sides). Continue on the track and pass the second tunnel. At the Ravaud intersection take the direction of St Nizier on the right and go to the end of the track. Continue straight on the route des arcelles and follow it to the Snow White post, the junction point between the old
Tram track and the GR9. Go down by the GR9. Take the road to the right
direction of Pinières. Continue straight on to the intersection below and
take the small path on the right about 100 m later. Go down the trail
steep until you reach the road to St Nizier aux Pinières. Walk on the
edge of the road about 15 m on the right side and take the path on the right
direction of the Old Tram station. Go down the track for 550 m and
take the path on the right towards Pariset. Take a right at
the old tram line then turn left towards Pariset. The
return is done by the same route as on the way up. In Pariset, get off
the road to St Nizier for 300 m (left side) and take the path to
descent towards Les Arcelles and return to the starting point via the meadow
from Beauregard.
The stages of the circuit: Château de Beauregard, La prairie de Beauregard, Les Arcelles, Bel Air, Pariset, Old Tram Station, Ravaud, Blanche Neige, Les Pinières, Old Tram Station, Pariset, Bel Air, Les Arcelles, Prairie de Beauregard, Chateau de Beauregard


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