Hiking Hiking

Chamrousse 1750 - Lac Achard

Roche Béranger, Chamrousse
5.13 km Distance
205 m Positive elevation
201 m Negative elevation
1935 m Max. altitude
Medium Difficulty


Very low slope <5% %

Low slope <7% %

Moderate slope <10% %

Steep slope <15% %

Very steep slope >15% %


Departure point: Chamrousse 1750 Tourist Office - Roche Béranger.
This hike, suitable for young and old alike, will delight the whole family.
In an exceptional setting, you'll reach the edge of Lake Achard and its breathtaking view of the Taillefer.

Take the time to stop and soak up the silence, discover the wildlife awareness panels, contemplate the view and observe the thousand and one wonders nature has to offer: hundred-year-old pine, crossbill, houseleek, spider's web....
Round trip: 2h30 (5.2km)

As Lac Achard is located in a Natura 2000 zone, we remind you that burning, camping, fishing and swimming are strictly forbidden (subject to fines). Bivouacs are prohibited from May 1 to October 30 + Infernet sector.
Please stay on the trails to preserve fragile environments.

☆ The little extra: the "hiking star" summer medal for children!
On presentation of a photo taken at the hiking site, brave little hikers will be awarded a named diploma + possible purchase of the "lac Achard" silver star to hang proudly on the backpack (on sale for €2.50 at Tourist Offices).


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