Mountain bike Mountain bike

La Via du Tram

Gare de Grenoble, Grenoble
38.31 km Distance
989 m Positive elevation
989 m Negative elevation
1164 m Max. altitude
Hard Difficulty



Climb from Grenoble to Saint-Nizier du Moucherotte, climbing the 1260 m of ascent that follow one another for some 40 km along the old tramway that used to link Grenoble to Villard de Lans in the Vercors.

This sporting and educational trail takes you along the remains of the old tramway line. It passes through the Bois des Vouillants to the outlet of the Tour Sans-Venin and the former Pariset station. The trail is accessible via 5 entrances: Parc Karl Marx, Bois des Vouillants, Pariset station, Saint-Nizier du Moucherotte and Pré Nouvel.
It features 16 heritage panels retracing the history of the tramway that linked Grenoble station to the Vercors.


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