Marbre Rose circuit (trail route no. 3)
Trail Running Trail Running

Marbre Rose circuit (trail route no. 3)

Camping du Lac, La Roche-de-Rame
9.99 km Distance
538 m Positive elevation
538 m Negative elevation
1475 m Max. altitude
Easy Difficulty
Under surveillance L'hiver est là ! L'itinéraire n'est pas vérifié durant l'hiver, soyez vigilants.



Running alternately through pine forest, aspens and lavender, this promises to be a delightful route

Facing away from the entrance to the lake campsite, turn right to go through the village of La Roche-de-Rame along the Rue “Les Queyras”. After going past the cemetery, continue to the right. 

Turn left. At the end of this track, at the D38 continue by turning right. A short distance further up, cross the bridge on the right after the Bouchouse hydroelectric power station. The route gradually rises until it runs at a height above the lake.
At the Bel Pinet sector, take the track on the right to start the descent. 
Where the tracks intersect, take the right-hand track to tackle the descent.
At the next intersection, continue on the path on the right
When you are back on the forest track, take a path running downhill below the hairpin and this brings you back to your starting point.


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