Small tour of the Arselle plateau by mountain bike
Mountain bike Mountain bike

Small tour of the Arselle plateau by mountain bike

Roche Béranger, Chamrousse
9.81 km Distance
199 m Positive elevation
198 m Negative elevation
1765 m Max. altitude
Medium Difficulty


Very low slope <5% %

Low slope <7% %

Moderate slope <10% %

Steep slope <15% %

Very steep slope >15% %


One of the most beautiful cross-country or electric cross-country bike track of Chamrousse, surrounded by forest. Come and discover the Arselle's plateau from its wild paths to transitions inside the resort.

Estimated time based on an average cross-country speed of 7km/h.

Intermediate level cross-country and electric mountain bike loop (blue level) around Chamrousse 1750, 1700 and 1600.

Equipment rental in Chamrousse 1650, 1700 and 1750 sport shops.
Guided outings in Chamrousse 1750 by "École Moniteur Cycliste Français (MCF)" and "Bureau des guides et accompagnateurs".

⚠ Warning: the Arselle plateau is a protected area (peat bog classified as an APPB - Arrêtés Préfectoraux de Protection Biotope), so there are a few rules to respect to help protect it. Fire, wild camping, bivouac, picking and dumping of waste are strictly forbidden. Please stay on the path around it, it is forbidden to go on the plateau in order to preserve the fragile environment.


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