From the Vonne valley to Bois Pouvreau
Trail Running Trail Running

From the Vonne valley to Bois Pouvreau

Place de la Mairie, Ménigoute
36.09 km Distance
293 m Positive elevation
293 m Negative elevation
187 m Max. altitude
Hard Difficulty
Opened 100% digital, unmarked


Very low slope <5% %

Low slope <7% %

Moderate slope <10% %

Steep slope <15% %

Very steep slope >15% %


Departing from Ménigoute, you set off on a 36 km course of difficult difficulty.
This route alternates throughout between passages on wide paths and portions in the forest requiring more concentration and technical skills.
You will discover the natural area of ​​Bois Pouvreau with its pond, its undergrowth and its impressive granite chaos.
You have the possibility of reducing the number of kilometers of this route by cutting in numerous places: the starting loop around Ménigoute, at kilometer 23.5 and kilometer 27.

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Trail Running Trail Running



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