Mountain bike Mountain bike
Base VTT FFVélo

The round of wash houses n°2

Base de Gourgé, Gourgé
20.69 km Distance
237 m Positive elevation
237 m Negative elevation
161 m Max. altitude
Medium Difficulty


Very low slope <5% %

Low slope <7% %

Moderate slope <10% %

Steep slope <15% %

Very steep slope >15% %


Discovering several wash houses in the area with an alternation of white paths and more technical paths. Throughout this route, you will discover old wash houses, in beautiful valleys as well as some old churches.

This route is labeled FFVélo VTT Base. It has been validated and controlled by the French Cyclotourism Federation, in conjunction with local communities and clubs.

On the ground, let yourself be guided on this route using the yellow (most common) or brown markers.

As the On Piste team has not identified this route, it does not have voice guidance, identification of points of tourist interest, or good addresses nearby.

Find this route on www.veloenfrance.fr, the website of the French Federation of Cycle Tourism.

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