Trail Running Trail Running

Mont Soubran

Quincié, Quincié-en-Beaujolais
31.74 km Distance
2:30h-4:00h Duration
1212 m Positive elevation
1212 m Negative elevation
884 m Max. altitude
Hard Difficulty



The Mont Soubran route is long and requires stamina and tonicity, but it offers a diversity of landscapes including vineyard, moorland and forests. You climb the Mont Soubran (894 meters altitude) before passing several passes (or "col") -including Col de la Casse Froide, Col de la Croix de Marchampt and Col de la Croix Rosier- and several crests -David and Morion.

Thus, the route has a great amount of elevation but runners following it are rewarded with beautiful views beyond hills and vineyard, to the Alps.

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Trail Running Trail Running



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