Trail Running Trail Running

Lac de Champos, Saint-Donat-sur-l'Herbasse
11.27 km Distance
215 m Positive elevation
213 m Negative elevation
365 m Max. altitude
Medium Difficulty


Very low slope <5% %

Low slope <7% %

Moderate slope <10% %

Steep slope <15% %

Very steep slope >15% %


Departing from Lac de Champos, this technical and sporty route is a great way to discover the Drôme des Collines and its many woods.

You start this trail along the Herbasse river via a single, before joining a wide path that leads you to a sandy dry river, which you follow for quite a while, a fairly technical passage. You then return to the forest, where the route rises on a fairly wide, stony path, which descends gently to lead you through a technical passage that is also the bed of a dried-up river.
On the second part of the trail, you'll encounter an alternation of wide, technical single-track and tarmac sections before dropping back down to Lac de Champos on a trail requiring good trail skills.
The vast majority of the route takes place on fairly technical, stony, unpaved ground.


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